
How to start an advice column In 2021

How to start an advice column

Are you a good writer?

Or you love to give advice the people?

if you really love to do this kind of thing then you can start your own advice column.

Now, you are thinking about how to start an advice column?

Yeah! you are in the exact place, today, I going to explain to you what the is method. However, opening an advice column is one of the great ways to earn money online.

You can make money as a content writer. It’s a really amazing way to get more traffic to your business. Now see the all method to create your own advice column.

How can you create your own advice column?

  1. Consider your expertise.
  2. Select an attractive name for your column.
  3. Gathered questions for your column.
  4. Start a site for your column.
  5. market your website and collect more questions.
  6. Add advertising and request sponsors.

Consider your expertise

If you start your column then decorate perfectly and make several categories. Such as Cleaning, fashion, weddings, decorating, and so on.

If you are like those type of people who have a lot of knowledge about several topics then you can start different advice columns which will beneficial for you.

Select an attractive name for your column

When you start a column then you have to remember one thing, your column name should eye-catchy.

What types of blog you should follow? Transgender advice, miss manners, etiquette advice column, and miss conduct’s blog.

these are the most important column which you can follow and learn something from there.

Gathered questions for your column

If you want to make your column attractive then you have to write continuously so that visitors can attract to your site.

You have to write regularly, which means, you have to publish content daily or weekly based. Remember, your content should have an FAQ which will give you a lot of traffic.

So, find those FAQ and put in your content. Always give those questions informatively and always be chill and stay light.

Start a site for your column

A blog is an amazing way to use an advice column. So, make a blog site and publish your all content.

IF you want, you can use a blogger for your blog site but according to me, you should use WordPress so that you can compete with your all competitors.

So, spend some money and buy a custom domain and hosting. If you don’t know which hosting is the best then read this article.

market your website and collect more questions.

Giving an answer is one of the great ways to get traffic and the most important thing is that you can give an answer on the forum site and after giving an answer put your link on the text.

So that people visit your site also. But don’t put your link every time, because it can be spam.

And collect the email list so that you can send notification of your new post. The most significant thing is to make contests for the best question and give them prices.

Add advertising and request sponsors

Make your advice column site easy and create a visible content page so that people can easily contact you and the advertiser can contact you.

And monetize your site with Google AdSense or Yahoo ads publisher. And get more revenue from here.

FAQ for advice column site

How do I start blog advice?

Final Words

I have shared some amazing ways about how can you start an advice column and how can you grow it. Most importantly if you use these methods then you will get success. If you have anything to know just ask in the comment section below.

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