
4 Best Ways To Monetize A Blog Or Website In 2022

Best Ways To Monetize A Blog

In the today’s world, millions of the peoples are running their blog and want to become a successful blogger.

If you also want to do then you have to work hard for your blog and think as peoples think and you have to solve their problems.

After all, you have done and your blog has good traffic then you may also want to earn money with it, which is the tradition.

And you will start looking for the best and highest paying monetization methods.

If you are looking so, then this post is very important for you. And this will help you a lot, blog monetization means that you put your blog with different advertisers and advertise or promote their product in return they pay you the best price for this.


4 Best Ways To Monetize a Blog Or Website

There are a lot of methods to earn money with a blog or website or the best ways to monetize a blog or website. If your blog has organic and real traffic, then you can also do it. Anyhow, let’s discuss the methods which pro bloggers are using to earn money with their blogs.

1. CPC & PPC Ad networks.

CPC (Cost Per Click) & PPC (Pay Per Click) are the networks that allow you to put their ads on your blog or website and whenever someone clicks on their ads, they will pay you according to the CPC rate of the ad.

There is a lot so networks that are offering this program and pay you the PPC. This can be very used full for you if your blog or website is related to the technology or making money methods or other types of so.

Some best PPC ad networks:

Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is an ever-best PPC ad network it pays you as high that you cannot estimate.

This program is run by Google it is founded in 2006 and become the best PPC ad network. You can also work with them and earn a huge amount with your blog.


It is another PPC in-text ad network. It can play an important role in the best revenue for your website.

If you become possible to approve your site by them then you can earn good revenue from your blog content.

They advertise in text, the link your content text with the link of their advertiser’s product, and whenever a visitor click you will get paid.


2. Banner Advertisement.

Banner advertisement is another method to earn money from your content and the very best way to monetize a blog or website.

This is a place where a publisher meets with the advertiser directly. You set your ad rate according to the traffic and niche of your website.

And if an advertiser got interested in your blog then he will ask you to advertise his product and you ask your desired amount from him.

Some popular Banner Ad Networks:

Buy-Sell Ads.

Buy-Sell Ads is the best ever banner ad network it allows advertisers to meet with publishers. A publisher will ask his desired amount and the advertiser will pay you. It can be the first revenue source of your blog. It pays you via PayPal.

Publicity Clerks.

Publicity Clerks is another advertisement program like Buy Sell Ads. It has the same method as the Buy Sell Ads. But it has low requirements than others for the approval of the account.

3. Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is another method to earn money with your blog and the best way to monetize a blog or website.

In this program, you have to refer your visitors to a different website to buy or signups through your affiliate links.

Whenever someone buys anything or signup through your affiliate link you will be get paid.

Some popular Affiliate Marketing Site:



It is a hosting service. Whenever a buyer goes through your link and buys a hosting or domain name for his website or blog. You will be get paid in your Blue Host account.



Host Gator is also a web hosting and domain name serving website. It also gives you different affiliate banners and which you can place on your website and it give you a referral link from which if a buyer will buy their product you will be get paid in your host gator account.

Click Bank

Click Bank is another affiliate marketing service that allows you to promote the products of their advertisers. You cannot estimate your click bank earnings if you have organic traffic.

4. Sell Your Own Product.

This is the best way to monetize a blog or website if your blog or website has great traffic through Email subscribers or through search engines.

Then you can sell your own products on your blog with your desired $$. Create an eBook and offers it on your blog and ask peoples to buy this.

Or create an online product and sell it according to the needs of peoples. You can be the best computer analyst and can solve people’s problems online and in return, you get paid.

It can be the best source of your income and you can earn a lot that you cannot estimate. If you will be selected once by the audience then you can earn as much as your desire.


Up To you.

Now it is up to you that which method you will use to monetize your blog and will earn as your desire. There are other hundreds of methods to earn money from blogging but in my experience, these are the top 4. Now it’s your soul which will you use.

You will use any method. I only advise you that keep working hard and never give up if you failed once.

You can do and everyone can do.

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